Poetry Rx Press Coverage
Poetry Rx In The News
Contact Dr. Norman Rosenthal
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How fiction and poetry can help you navigate a loved one’s dementia
On the way to Albuquerque for a holiday with my parents, I bought a used audio version of Nicholas Sparks’s “The Notebook” at a truck stop outside Flagstaff, Ariz. Told mostly in flashback, the sentimental 1940s love story was diverting enough to get me through six hours of desert highway. However, it was the present-day narrative centering on a character with dementia that helped me take the first steps toward recognizing my father’s unusual anxiety, irritability and confusion as possible signs of something much larger. Read Full Article
The 2021 Well Book List
Welcome to the Well Book List! To make this list, a book needed to appear on Well during 2021. While we’ve cited a number of books in Well stories this year, we’ve narrowed our list down to eight of our favorites, covering a variety of topics including behavior change, parenting, anxiety and poetry. Browse the list, pick a few to give to others and don’t forget to give yourself the gift of healthy reading this holiday season. Enjoy! Read Full Article
When the Doctor Prescribes Poetry
While we herald vaccines as potential saviors from the threat of a devastating virus, Dr. Rosenthal said, “Poetry can serve as a vaccine for the soul.” In a world that is so marred by loss and deprived of pleasure, he believes poetry can help fill in the gaps, offering a brief retreat from a troubled world and hope for a better future…. Read Full Article
Angry? Heartbroken? Here’s a free treatment with no side effects: Poetry
Indeed, there is empirical evidence that supports the emotional effects of poetry on the brain. Neuroscientist Eugen Wassiliwizky and colleagues at the Max Planck Institute in Frankfurt have found that listening to recited poetry can elicit strong emotional responses, including chills and objectively-measured goosebumps, by activating the brain’s reward circuitry… Read Full Article
Dr. Norman Rosenthal: 5 Things You Need To Heal After a Dramatic Loss Or Life Change
As a part of this interview series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Norman Rosenthal. Dr. Rosenthal is best known as the psychiatrist who first described seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and pioneered the use of light therapy in its treatment while at the National Institute of Mental Health. He is the author of hundreds of professional articles and ten books for the general public including the New York Times bestseller Transcendence and most recently Poetry Rx: How 50 Inspiring Poems Can Heal and Bring Joy to Your Life… Read Full Article
How Poetry Can Heal

As a psychiatrist in private practice in Washington, D.C., Norman Rosenthal is used to helping clients through loss. But just like many of us, he struggled to find the right words to console a bereaved friend who called him late one-night several years ago. … Read Full Article
A prescription for … poetry? This doctor recommends it

Just like there are often no words to describe crazy experiences, when it comes to health, there are also times when there are no treatments or answers. Luckily, there is always poetry — and while that may not sound like much, it’s become a saving grace for many patients and doctors.
From a psychiatrist who often uses poetry in his practice, to an internist who has been battling COVID-19 in hospitals — there are doctors in many fields who have found solace for themselves as well as their patients through poetry. … Read Full Article
What a poem and an Eagles game may have in common, and a psychiatrist’s unusual prescription in the time of COVID-19
After psychiatrist and author Norman E. Rosenthal moved from his native Johannesburg to New York to begin a residency in 1976, he was shocked by the literal night-and-day differences between the two cities… Read Full Article
When the Doctor Prescribes Poetry
May is National Mental Health Awareness Month and a leading psychiatrist has just published a groundbreaking book filled with powerful poetic prescriptions to help strengthen mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Dr. Norman Rosenthal, a psychiatrist from Rockville, Maryland, who pioneered the use of light therapy for seasonal affective disorder, wrote Poetry Rx: How 50 Inspiring Poems Can Heal and Bring Joy to Your Life to raise awareness of the healing power of poetry. … Read Full Article
Some Doctors Encourage Those Suffering From Anxiety, Stress To Embrace The Power Of Poetry
Amanda Gorman’s inaugural words and presence inspired a collective poetry awakening.
“She showed that the right words at the right time can really make a difference,” psychiatrist Dr. Norman Rosenthal told CBS2’s Hazel Sanchez.
Rosenthal agrees words can help heal.
“One of the things I prescribe is a poem when it can be helpful,” he said.
He says he’s used poems to help quarrelling couples, adding it can be a voice they’ll both listen to. … Watch the CBS Segment
Dr. Norman Rosenthal: “Accept the change or loss”
The world seems to be reeling from one crisis to another. We’ve experienced a global pandemic, economic uncertainty, political and social turmoil. Then there are personal traumas that people are dealing with, such as the loss of a loved one, health issues, unemployment, divorce or the loss of a job… Read Full Article
World-Renowned Psychiatrist is Writing COVID Prescriptions… For Daily Poetry Reading
One doesn’t need Good News Network to tell them there are a lot of people whose minds and moods have been darkened by the last 14 months.
The mental health crisis that many immediately saw as a great threat from government-enforced business closures, quarantines, and travel restrictions was a very real thing before COVID-19, and as a report from global medical care knowledge provider BMJ states, 2018 saw over 70 million prescriptions for antidepressants written in the U.S., compared to just 36 million ten years before… Read Full Article
Poetry Rx Listed in Poets.org’s National Poetry Month
A Poetry Reading List for the 25th Anniversary of National Poetry Month… Explore poets.org List
World-renowned psychiatrist shares the healing power of poetry in Prairie Lights event
When Dr. Norman E. Rosenthal left his home in South Africa years ago he turned to poetry without fully realizing he was coping.
“Toward the end of medical school, I was going to leave home, to leave my family behind,” Rosenthal recalled. “I had my wife, my young son – I had everything in front of me. I denied and minimized the pain of the people I was leaving behind.
“It was this poem (“Letter to My Mother,” by Salvatore Quasimodo) that was like a lightning rod that conducted those feelings to a deep part of my psyche.”… Read Full Article
Norm Rosenthal on Poetry: Comfort and Connection in Rhythmic Form
Imagine your therapist writing a prescription for a Shakespeare sonnet or a Dylan Thomas poem—as well as prescribing anxiety medication. Well, Norman E. Rosenthal, MD, is that therapist! World-renowned for his research on seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and pioneering the light therapy to treat it, Rosenthal has written a new book, Poetry Rx: How 50 Inspiring Poems Can Heal and Bring Joy to Your Life. … Read Full Article
Poetry Rx: Iconic Poems to Heal, Inspire, and Bring Joy
For centuries, poems have offered lyrical vehicles for celebration and praise, love and longing, discovery and insight, comfort and solace. Now, in his latest book, the world-renowned psychiatrist and best-selling author Norman Rosenthal, M.D., has forged a love of poetry with his understanding of the human psyche into a balm for heart and soul in Poetry Rx: How 50 Inspiring Poems Can Heal and Bring Joy to Your Life (G&D, May 2021). … Read Full Article
The Love Code With Dr. Sherrill Sellman
This podcast contains a wonderful exchange with Dr. Sherrill Sellman. Intimate and informative–Dr. Rosenthal and Dr. Sellman talk about psychiatry, meditation poetry and more.… Listen to the Podcast
Breakin’ It Down With Frank MacKay
Dr. Rosenthal had a fantastic time speaking with Frank MacKay about the pandemic, loneliness, depression, healing, joy, AND his latest book PoetryRx… Listen to the Podcast
Directed Daydreaming; Pandemic Lessons; Poetry & Psychotherapy; Hitting The Wall
Directed Daydreaming; The “Nature Pill;” Kiran Krishnan on Lessons From The Pandemic; Norman Rosenthal on Poetry For Psychotherapy; Judy’s Wild Woman Wisdom on Hitting The Wall… Listen to the Podcast
Poetry Is Good For You
April is National Poetry Month. I have it on good report that “poetry can heal.”
If you witnessed Amanda Gorman’s incredible reading of her poem “The Hill We Climb” at this year’s presidential inauguration, you may already believe that. The amazing Ms. Gorman has a new children’s book coming out in the fall; I have pre-ordered it and plan to use it in holiday gifting to my grandchildren… Read Full Article
Dr. Norman E. Rosenthal – Poetry Rx
Imagine a therapist writing a prescription for “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas or “Hope Is the Thing With Feathers” by Emily Dickinson or a Shakespeare sonnet—as well as prescribing an anxiety medication. Might poetry be a vaccine for the emotions?… Listen to the Podcast
How TM Helped Me Become a Writer
As I was growing up in Johannesburg, South Africa, I had several ambitions. I wanted to be a psychiatrist, a researcher and a writer. I went to medical school in South Africa, then moved to the U.S. to study psychiatry at Columbia in New York City. Finally, I went on to a research fellowship… Read Full Article