Fox News Interview: Post-Traumatic Stress Surrounding 9-11 Anniversary
On Tuesday September 6, 2011 Fox News invited me to speak about post-traumatic stress surrounding the anniversary of the tragic attacks from 9/11/2001. This weekend
On Tuesday September 6, 2011 Fox News invited me to speak about post-traumatic stress surrounding the anniversary of the tragic attacks from 9/11/2001. This weekend
I really wanted to show you all a letter I received from a psychologist colleague of mine, Dr. Ellen Dye. A letter from Dr. Ellen
I have really been enjoying engaging with all the people on my book tour, and have recently been invited to speak in cities such as
Hurricane Irene had just blown through DC and New York and Amtrak was shut down — but Gloria Starr Kins, Editor of MaximsNews Society and
As a psychiatrist, I have given a lot of thought to how to lead a healthier life by managing your emotions. Here are some of my thoughts, which I expressed in my book, “The Emotional Revolution.”
Emotions can have an important influence on physical health, and it is critical to deal effectively with the feelings that accompany the everyday ups and downs of life.
Dr. Catherine Ulbricht, Founder and CEO of Natural Standard, interviewed me recently about my book Transcendence and, specifically, about the effects of Transcendental Meditation on addictions. Since the transcript is too long to post in its entirety, I just wanted to share a few edited comments for the blog.
On July 21st, 2014 I was interviewed at Queen Mary, University of London. I was asked about my travels to the United States and how