
From Transcendence to Super Mind: Accessing Higher States of Consciousness Through Meditation

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Dr. Norman E. Rosenthal will be in the UK giving talks from Thursday 13th October through Thursday 20th October. Please have a look at the following information for specific details.

Open to the public:

– Monday 17th October 7.30 p.m. at Maharishi Peace Palace, Gardenia Close, Rendlesham, IP12 2GX – all welcome – entry £12.00.
To book visit: Super Mind Rendlesham

– Wednesday 19th October 1.00 p.m. at Firstsite Auditorium , Lewis Gardens, High Street, Colchester, CO1 1JH – all welcome – entrance free.
To book visit: Super Mind Colchester

Wednesday 19th October 7.00 p.m. at Alternatives at Columbia Hotel, Lancaster Gate, W2 3NS London – all welcome – – entry £15.00, concessions £10.00.
To book visit: Super Mind London

[Video 2:44] Dr. Rosenthal Introduces “Super Mind”


Transcendence: Healing and Transformation Through Transcendental Meditation (Special Presentations for the Medical Profession)

Dr. Rosenthal will describe the technique of Transcendental Meditation and summarize the research supporting its physical and psychological benefits, based on hundreds of research articles. He will discuss the potential benefits of TM for cardiovascular health and psychological well-being. Beyond that, he will also explore the technique’s potential for promoting personal growth and transformation. Rosenthal has chronicled these ideas in his New York Times best seller Transcendence.

If you are interested in attending one of the talks below please send an email to Barry Spivack (barryspivack@yahoo.co.uk)

Thursday 13th October
– Colchester Hospital 1.00 p.m. – lunchtime talk to hospital doctors
– Ipswich Hospital  3.00 p.m. – talk to doctors
– Colchester Hospital 7.45 p.m. – evening talk to Essex GPs

Tuesday 18th October
– Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford – 7. 45 p.m. evening talk to hospital doctors and GPs

The Quest for Innovation in Psychiatry: A Personal Perspective
(Special Presentations for the Medical Profession)

Drawing on almost four decades of psychiatric research experience Dr Rosenthal will discuss the elements required for innovation including the value of “taking a flyer,” a bold, high-risk, high-yield step that can significantly advance a field. He will refer specifically to his work with seasonal affective disorder and light therapy, Transcendental Meditation for post-traumatic stress disorder, and Botox for depression.

Monday 17th October
– Department of Health and Human Sciences Essex University 2.00 p.m.– afternoon talk to faculty and students

Tuesday 18th October
– Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London – afternoon talk

Thursday 20th October

– Department of Psychiatry, Cambridge University – lunchtime talk to faculty

Short Bio:

Dr Norman Rosenthal is a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Georgetown University Medical School in Washington D.C. A highly cited researcher, he has published more than 200 scholarly papers. He was the first physician to describe and name Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and pioneered the use of light therapy as a treatment. More recently he has researched the use of Botox for Depression and Transcendental Meditation for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He has authored or co-authored 9 popular books, including several best sellers. His most recent book, Super Mind, reached number one in the Washington Post best sellers list.

Additional Information:
Find out more about the book, Super Mind
Super Mind: Boost Performance with Transcendental Meditation (Infographic)

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