What Is the Super Mind – and How Can You Get It?
The Super Mind is a time-honored concept, though I have given it a new name that speaks to our modern era.
The Upanishads – an ancient text – tells us that through the practice of repeated stillness, you will reach a continuum of silence. Modern practitioners of Transcendental Meditation (TM) have recognized that such changes in consciousness begin to pervade their lives after they have been meditating for a while. This growth in consciousness is associated with many desirable qualities and life circumstances.
Put simply, the Super Mind allows you to live life to the fullest, bringing you profound joy while at the same time boosting your performance and effectiveness.
What is the value of the Super Mind? Will it make me richer, more successful, and happier?
Many have asked me these questions. So, let’s consider them.
Richer and more successful
Although polls show that most people think that having more money will make them happier, evidence suggests this is not usually true – as long as your basic needs are covered. But many people I interviewed – especially in business – say yes, the Super Mind will help you become richer because it will make it easier for you to achieve anything you seek to accomplish, by sharpening your mind and making you more creative and effective.
It follows, therefore, that the Super Mind will make you more successful. The Super Mind may not net you a billion dollars or a Nobel Prize. Instead, it will help you figure out who you really are – your authentic self, who you want to become, and help you get there. In summary, it will help you self-actualize and be the absolute best you can be.
Scientists have shown that although a significant proportion of our happiness resides in our genes, there is much we can do to make the most of our biological limits. That’s where the Super Mind comes into play. In a survey of over 600 TM practitioners, 94% reported an increased level of well-being since starting to meditate. Factors that predicted how often they would experience this increased sense of well-being were how long they had been meditating (in months or years) and how frequently.
Here are a few examples of Super Mind activity taken from my book:
- Actor, singer, and dancer Hugh Jackman credits TM with helping him become more authentic, and live a happier and more rounded life, unspoiled by his legendary success
- World famous classical guitarist Sharon Isbin regards TM as key to her creativity, success, and happiness
- Former major league baseball player Barry Zito recalls a pivotal game in the 2012 playoffs when he was “completely in the zone” – one of the hallmarks of the Super Mind. His resulting performance in that game was key to the outcome of the 2012 World Series, which went to his team, the San Francisco Giants.
The good news is you don’t need extraordinary talent or abilities to enjoy the benefits of the Super Mind. Anybody can.
[Video 2:44] Norman E. Rosenthal M.D. Introduces Super Mind
So, How Can You Get a Super Mind?
Based on my work with thousands of people who have sought to change their lives, there is not usually one single method for doing so. And that’s how it is with the Super Mind. Throughout history there have been people who achieved aspects of the Super Mind by different methods. Some seem to have stumbled upon it spontaneously. Author Eckhart Tolle may be one such person, to judge from his description in his best-selling “The Power Of Now.” It is also likely that people may attain the Super Mind by many and various practices – religious or meditative.
In my experience, however, the easiest and most powerful way to obtain the benefits of the Super Mind is via TM. Why is that? Because TM is a very simple and effortless procedure. It is taught by a well-studied standardized method that almost anyone can learn. In addition, an essential aspect of TM is the growth of consciousness. During TM sessions, the meditator typically experiences Transcendence – a specific state of consciousness that is different from sleeping, waking, and dreaming. Down the line that state of consciousness enters a person’s daily life.
In the next blog I will describe how the growth of consciousness unfolds and how my colleagues and I have set about trying to measure that growth. In the meanwhile I’d love for you to share your ideas about these issues with me and my readers.
Other Articles in this Super Mind Series:
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6 Replies to “What Is the Super Mind – and How Can You Get It?”
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I just celebrated my 40th anniversary since learning TM. I have read your book Transcendence, and have The Gift of Adversity to read. I appreciate your writings, and I follow you on Facebook. Thank you!
Kingdom of God is within you and once you know all else will be added unto you. As Maharishi puts” Total Knowledge” All there is, is contained here including the riches people are talking about…there is no exclusion in the Unified Field.
Like your comments, book sounds interesting. As s long time member of self realisation fellowship and the teachings of Paramshansa Yogananda we have much in common. (Kriya Yoga).
Best Wishes with the book. Jai guru
The Hindu faith speaks of the Yoga of Karma ( the yoga of action ) .
According to this principle, everyone is bound by his / her own actions. That is, an evil doer faces evil in return.
As you sow, so shall you reap.
If someone is born great, it is due to their own past noble deeds.
The Bhagavad Gita says that when we die, we get rebirth in a certain body wherein we continue to experience the future life, which is still a continuum of our previous birth.
Just as we are born, we all have to die one day.
Nothing in the material world is permanent. In other words, everything is transient or ever changing.
This is also called the dual nature of the manifested world………heat and cold, pain and pleasure, happiness and misery, etc
The state of equipoise of mind comes by regular practice of TM.
Renunciation of actions is not an easy task. We must learn to work without attachment to the fruits of action.
Once we become attached to something, we become a slave to that thing.
Sri Ramana Maharishi advises us to enquired within our mind ” Who Am I ” . Once you start pondering in that way, everything disappears until the one ” I- I ” or The Self alone remains. This he calls as ” Self Enquiry ” .
Of all the thoughts that we get, the “I” thought is the root.
He advises us to hold on to the ” I ” thought with the exclusion of all else, and in this way we can experience Bliss.
I’ve done TM now for about 21 years very regularly, currently I’m cognizing that there is a distinct reality between spirit and matter. I’m seeing the inner self as permanent reality and matter subject to the normal process of growth and decay. I’m learning to favour the inner reality where all matter including money come from. Who is rich n who is not…and Lloyd is within us. I’ve a manuscript I wrote when I had started to meditate and I’m contemplating of writing my experiences. If u’ve a publisher who would be interested, kindly give him my email: fmuthike@gmail.com.
Been meditating for 44 years spiritually. Both the Over Mind and the Super Mind are well worth the effort that ultimately results in effortlessness.