
4 Articles: Seasonal Affective Disorder & Winter Blues

As a long-time resident of the DC Metro area, I have been a regular subscriber to Washingtonian Magazine. I can always depend on them to steer me to the best restaurants for the best prices and, for that matter, to the best of everything. I was delighted therefore to find four articles in the latest copy of Washingtonian that deal with a topic near and dear to my heartseasonal affective disorder or Winter Blues, and its treatment.

I think the articles are very informative and practically useful, so I am providing a link to each of them below with a brief description of what each covers. I hope you find them useful and that it helps carry you through the next few months. Remember Shelley’s famous words: If winter’s here, can spring be far behind?

Resources for Seasonal Affective Disorder & the Winter Blues:

Winter Blues9 Tips for Beating the Winter Doldrums

A well written article with 9 helpful tips to keep your dark days bright. From meditation and diet to being more social, the author has some good tips. Read Full Article…

Light TherapySunshine in Winter: Using Light Therapy

As you may or may not know I am a big fan of Light Therapy. This article has information about what size lamp to use, duration of use, good suggestions for purchasing your lamp and a nice success story at the end. Read Full Article…

DepressionLiving With Seasonal Affective Disorder

A good story about a man who discovered he had seasonal depression. This man now owns a light box company and helps others combat this disorder. Read Full Article…

Foods6 Mood-Boosting Foods

It is no secret that our diet has a significant effect on our energy level. This article about “mood-boosting foods” offers up some different options for increasing your energy. Read Full Article…

Please feel free to leave any comments you may have in the section below.

Light and Transcendence,

Norman Rosenthal

Additional Articles you might enjoy:

How to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder and The Winter Blues [Infographic]

On the Frontiers of SAD: How Much Light is Enough?

Seasonal Affective Disorder and the Holiday Blues: 5 tips to avoid the Holiday Blues

How to Stop Your Emotions from Controlling You

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