Upcoming Events
Dr. Norman Rosenthal – Upcoming Speaking Engagements
This web page hosts a running thread of all of my current events. Please browse the list below to check for speaking engagements in your local area. Feel free to comment below with questions/inquiries, or contact the event facilitator for more information on any given event. Hope to see you soon!
*Note past events are kept on this page, but with red text. Please scroll for my most current events in blue.
1) Webinar on Sep 27 – TM Health professionals, webinar with video from interview with Dr. Pamela Peeke. Stay tuned for more details.
2) London in October 2012:
Saturday 6 October 10:30am – 12:30pm
Guy’s Hospital, London SE1 9RT
“Light and Transcendence: Non-pharmacological approaches to stress and the winter blues”
Primarily for doctors and health professionals.
More information: www.maharishifoundation.org.uk/rosenthal-tour/guys-hospital.html
Saturday 6 October 2:00 – 5:00pm
Regent’s College, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4NS
“Winter Blues: Everything you need to know to beat Seasonal Affective Disorder”
For everyone with an interest in managing this condition.
More information: www.maharishifoundation.org.uk/rosenthal-tour/sada.html
Sunday 7 October 10:00am – 4:30pm
Regent’s College, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4NS
“The Inner Secret of Good Health: How transcendence can heal and transform mind and body – Ayurveda’s secret of healing, validated by modern medicine”
An interactive and practical day course with: Dr Norman Rosenthal and Dr Donn Brennan.
More information: www.maharishifoundation.org.uk/rosenthal-tour/rosenthal-brennan.html
Monday 8 October 1:30 – 4:00pm
London Business Forum, 1 Bartholomew Place, London EC1A 7HH “Meditate, Grow Rich, Lead by Example – Your Own Way”
For the business and leadership community.
More information: www.londonbusinessforum.com/events/transcendence
Monday 8 October 7pm
Alternatives, St James’s Church, 197 Piccadilly, London W1J 9LL “Healing Transcendence”
A talk for those interested in contemporary spirituality and personal development.
More information: www.alternatives.org.uk/Site/Talks.aspx
Tuesday 9 October 5:30-6:30pm
Watkins Books, 19-21 Cecil Court, London WC2N 4EZ “Transcendence: Healing and Transformation through Transcendental Meditation”
A talk by the author, Q & A, and book signing.
Free. Open to the public. No need to book.
Wednesday 10 October
World Mental Health Day, 10am – 5pm London E1 6AW
“Tackling stigma and promoting mental wellbeing”
An all-day conference for those involved with mental health, limited places available.
More information: www.maharishifoundation.org.uk/register-for-event.html
3) Join Dr. Norman in Dublin
Thursday 11 October 7:30pm
Clyde Court Hotel, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
“Transcendence: Healing and Transformation through Transcendental Meditation”
More information: www.maharishifoundation.org.uk/rosenthal-tour/Dublin.html
4) Location: Stockholm, Sweden — Polstjärnan Konferens, Sveavägen 77 (at Odengatan)
Sunday 14 October at 2.00-4:00 pm. Charge is 100 SEK.
Title: The Inner Secret of a Better Life: How Transcendence Can Heal and Transform Mind and Body
More information email: info@vedahouse.se
5) 92nd St Y in NYC
Tue, October 30 at 6:30 pm. This event has been rescheduled (Wed Nov 28 6:30 PM EST) due to hurricane weather.
Transforming Your Health and Your Life through the Joy of Transcendence, Norman E. Rosenthal, MD
Understand the role of meditation in promoting cardiac health, reducing anxiety and depression, and recovering from drug and alcohol abuse. Discover how transcendental meditation changes brain functions to help people live longer, better and more creative lives.
Please feel free to register here.
6) University of Maryland-Baltimore – The New Science of Meditation and Self Healing: Transcendental Meditation and Mind-Body Health
Thursday, November 8, 2012, 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Davidge Hall at University of Maryland in Baltimore
522 West Lombard Street, Baltimore, MD
To view full email announcement: http://tmhealthprofessionals.org/umd/umd-event.html
7) Anthony McCarthy Show. Radio – WEAA 89 FM (out of Baltimore)
Friday Nov. 30th at 6pm
My daughter suffers from severe depression complicated by SAD.
You wouldn’t remember me but I had a consult w/ you in the early `90’s at NIMH. The concept of SAD and subsequent treatment (inc light box) probably, not exaggerating, saved my life. Best winter ever, traveled along S. border of US and spent 6 weeks in the Keys. Didn’t even need meds. Wondering if you’ve found any correlation b/t skin sensitivity to light and SAD? I’ve noticed, besides myself, others that have extreme SAD are also fair skinned. However I may just be noting this b/c the are like me.
Hello Kati:
You’d be surprised at how many people I DO remember.
But thanks so much for being in touch — and glad you’re feeling so much better
So far, there is no research linking fair-skinned (or blue-eyed) people to SAD, and SAD has been described in African Americans, though it seems less common in people of Asian descent.
All the best
Norman Rosenthal