
Diagnosing your own Depression: Signs and Symptoms

People often confuse clinical depression with sadness.  That’s a mistake.  You can be sad without being depressed and vice versa.  Sadness is a normal reaction to many life circumstances, such as bereavement, loss of a job, or a financial setback.  When these things happen, sadness is to be expected.

Depression is a different type of beast, a “black dog,” as Winston Churchill often used when describing his own signs and symptoms.  How do you know if you’re depressed and not just sad?  Here are seven telltale signs, which may exist even in the absence of sadness.

Seven Telltale Signs when Diagnosing your own Depression:

  • Running on empty
  • Nothing seems like fun anymore; life seems dreary
  • Putting yourself down
  • Failure – at work and in relationships
  • Self-diagnoseThe future looks bleak
  • Life seems not worth living
  • Biological disturbances – in sleeping, eating, weight and sex drive

If you diagnose yourself as having one or more of these symptoms, especially feelings that life is not worth living, you would certainly be well advised to consult a qualified professional.

The last symptoms are particularly suggestive of a real clinical depression, and are often called vegetative symptoms of depression.

Vegetative Symptoms of Depression often cluster into two different types of depression:

In one type, people tend to eat less, sleep less and lose weight. The other type is just the reverse.  People tend to eat more (often craving sweets and starches), sleep more and gain weight. The first type of person may be more likely to be agitated, while the second type may be more likely to be lethargic.

The good news is that both types tend to respond to antidepressant medications and psychotherapy (especially cognitive behavior therapy), as well as healthy habits such as exercise and reaching out to friends and family.

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Wishing you Light and Transcendence,


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5 Replies to “Diagnosing your own Depression: Signs and Symptoms”

  1. Trish Cook says:

    Am interested in your free samples of books and reading your articles. 🙂

    1. Norman says:

      Hi Trish! Great to hear of your interest. To Download free chapters of Transcendence and Winter Blues click here. I wish you Light and Transcendence.

  2. Lisa Deick says:

    When I first had depression 10 years ago, the doctors just told me I had a ‘chemical imbalance in the brain’ and made very little effort to probe my emotions or ask me what was wrong. I’m so glad that there is info like this now which is very straightforward. Being spiritual, I now see depression as my ‘alarm call’ prompting me to change my life for the better and I’m actually grateful for it.

    1. Nando says:

      It’s sometimes caleld the darknight of the soul. The morning breaks just as soon as it dawns upon you that no-one will help you, no one can help you except by looking after your body and accepting you. You must face your demons and accept them. Loving your suffering will free you..you will gain a different perspective as you learn not to be afraid of your feelings. You cannot dispel the demons by rejecting them, you have denied them too long already.

  3. magaly gaspar says:

    gracias por conocer mas mi estado emocional ire al medico

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